Friday, June 3, 2011

infected tattoos

infected tattoos. infected tattoos. friendship
  • infected tattoos. friendship

  • Clive At Five
    Nov 29, 02:01 PM
    Acting is hard. You only need to witness bad acting in one movie to understand this. For every A-list star, there are tens of thousands more out of work, because competition is tough and dependent on luck, too. But mostly, it comes down to supply and demand. I have no problems with actors getting 20 million a picture, they worked hard and there are only a handful of them, anyways.

    luv ya bunches, x0x0x0

    Your argument is kind of self-annihilating:

    You say competition is tough... implying that there are a multitude of capable actors. i.e. Supply is high. This, in turn, would imply that capable actors are (or should be) a dime a dozen. However, Hollywood acts as though the A-List is all there is... which, if doing so, constricts supply to a significantly smaller population, therefore creating an artificially high demand for which they, subsequently, have to pay through the nose for... which WE now have to pay through the nose for. And for what? For a non-sensical, elitist, Movie Star ecosystem (an industry which alone brings in millions, if not billions).

    If there are as many struggling good actors as you say there are (and I hope there are), I for one would LOVE to see them. I'm sick of the same 8 actors... Ben Stiller, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts, Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Steve Carell, Johnny Depp... At least one of these seem to be in 90% of films these days. Some fresh blood would be nice... and easier on the checkbook.


    infected tattoos. tattoo looks infected.
  • tattoo looks infected.

  • ozontheroad
    Oct 31, 01:46 PM
    For hiking, I agree.
    As for running, I gotta have my tunes...

    i agree %100

    infected tattoos.

  • celticpride678
    Jun 29, 09:24 AM
    Second half of July.

    infected tattoos. Infected Tattoos.
  • Infected Tattoos.

  • SandboxGeneral
    Mar 20, 07:28 AM
    I don't have any horror stories, but at the end of this year I am going to drop two of the sites I maintain because of an extremely annoying woman. I do a site for her, and an association she is involved with plus many other sites for local governments, like townships.

    All of my clients are easy to work with and give me periodic things to update, fix or add. That's never a problem for me since they're paying for it. But this woman sends me things nearly everyday to do, wanting to change font sizes, add giant gaudy stars and attention grabbers and the like. She's one of those people who uses 15 question marks or other punctuation in her emails to express her tone or meaning. Oftentimes she want the exact same information that is on one page to be on another page, "just in case people don't click on the first page." I keep telling her that it is redundant to do so and people aren't as dumb as you think they are. Essentially she is a micromanager of her site and she also has authority over the association site I maintain too. So I get the same stuff from her for that one too.

    But wait! There's more! She also feels the need to send things to me for another site she has no business giving input towards (it's an association site her husband belongs to!) and offers her opinion to change things there too. This one really drives me nuts. She sent some changes to me a few months ago and CC'd the person with authority over this site. I ignored her request and subsequently so did the other guy. Then last week she FW's it to me again with giant font and multiple question marks wanting to know why I didn't do anything with it. I replied back saying that I was waiting for "Hank" to authorize it. So she fires an email off to him and I demanding that he authorize me to make the changes. Wouldn't you know it, he ignored her again! ;) I told the associations president and he is going to put a stop to her trying to mess with his site.

    But as I said, I am dropping her site and her association site at the end of the year. I don't need her money that bad. Living headache free and a bit lighter in the wallet is OK with me.


    infected tattoos. the skin during tattooing.
  • the skin during tattooing.

  • Hissori
    Feb 12, 01:44 AM
    What is this place?

    This is Hong Kong.

    Judging from this picture, looks like a fancy restaurant in a hotel in the Tsim Tsa Tsui district.

    infected tattoos. photos of infected tattoo
  • photos of infected tattoo

  • Shadylane315
    Dec 15, 12:38 PM
    I currently have leopard and looking to upgrade to snow leopard. Is it a simple upgrade or erase and install?


    infected tattoos. on infected tattoo course
  • on infected tattoo course

  • Detrius
    May 3, 07:05 PM
    So bring it back in to Apple.

    infected tattoos. How To Heal An Infected Tattoo
  • How To Heal An Infected Tattoo

  • eclipse525
    Nov 7, 11:31 PM
    I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lacie's SilverKeeper ( It works very well for backups; basically syncing your folders with the backup version (on your iPod, or your FireWire drive, or wherever). Unlike CarbonCopyCloner it removes files from the backup that are no longer on the source, and it only copies the files that have changed. Also it'll let you keep multiple copies of the backups.

    Yeah...but doesn't Retrospect ( do the same thing but better?



    infected tattoos. Treat an Infected Tattoo
  • Treat an Infected Tattoo

  • Small White Car
    Apr 4, 10:47 AM
    I don't read FT. so your point is invalid.

    So you enjoy watching them abuse other people, but since it's not you then it's ok?

    What kind of a sick attitude is that? You think it's a good thing that they mistreat their readers? Why? Is it just funny to you or something?

    infected tattoos. Tattoo Tattoo Infected.
  • Tattoo Tattoo Infected.

  • techfreak85
    Dec 23, 01:47 PM
    This thread is about information regarding the overall Folding@home team, particularly changes in team ranking and daily point output.

    (Originally titled Looks like our folding team just dropped two places...)

    OP starts here:__________ #60...with another team set to pass us in about a week.:(
    I'm working on Bigadvs now, but it wont be enough. We need more members that will run bigadvs.


    infected tattoos. Tattoo Infected
  • Tattoo Infected

  • adcx64
    Apr 22, 09:43 PM
    I am in need of an LCD screen for my 3GS. Where is the best (and cheapest) place to get a new screen (possibly OEM)?
    Thank You!

    infected tattoos. Infected Tattoos.
  • Infected Tattoos.

  • AidenShaw
    Mar 24, 12:54 PM
    Thank you.

    There is more misinformation and lies posted here than ever before. And way too many people believe anything they see "published on the Internet".

    And people feel free to be as rude as they want, even bringing scat and other homosexual fetishes into a simple transfer of power to the second in command:

    All the amazing benefits both with speed, less HDD space usage on a clean install, OSX in general (Darwin) and even server or core shells we owe to Bertrand Serlet; not this dingle berry kiss-arse.


    infected tattoos. infected tattoo
  • infected tattoo

  • pishowda
    Apr 20, 07:38 PM
    most of the people in the other threads similar to this said it runs great

    infected tattoos. A foot tattoo can take from 2
  • A foot tattoo can take from 2

  • GregA
    Apr 28, 06:53 AM
    Apple is widely expected to introduce a new iPhone later this year. That new iPhone will likely be a global device (, incorporating both CDMA and GSM technologies into a single design.

    I'm starting to think the next iPhone will be the albatross of iPhones. The A5 chip is BIG.... and I hope the Qualcomm chip is just as small and efficient as the existing 3G chip (I'm assuming it won't be any better?), since this whole "world phone" really means nothing to anyone except Verizon customers (who will be able to roam to GSM).

    I'm due for an upgrade (2 year cycle), but my wife on the matching 2 year cycle seems to be getting the better deal :-/

    Still, rumours are rumours. We'll see what we see. I'm enjoying my iPad2 :)


    infected tattoos. infected tongue piercing jpg
  • infected tongue piercing jpg

  • TerryJ
    Jul 27, 07:42 PM
    Can any other posters shill the Microsoft party line more? "They" said the Sony Playstation2 was "too hard" to program for versus programming for the Microsoft Xbox. Which platform won again? Which platform had the most third-party support? That's right, the "too hard to program for" Playstation2. The reason why there are extra features on the current HD-DVD titles has to do with the fact that they are using VC-1 and the Blu-Ray titles are using the space-hungry MPEG2 codec currently. There's no room right now on Blu-Ray releases for the "extras" you are bringing up. It has nothing to do with "how hard" it is to program BD-J.
    Look... honestly the only "winner" I want in this format war is the disc that has the best high definition image and sound, has the most actual (good) movies available, and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

    I thought, on paper, Blu-ray had the most compelling feature set of the two discs. I pre-ordered a Sony BD deck. That got pushed way back. (I ended up cancelling it. I'll buy it when it comes out... I don't expect shortages.) In the interim, I bought an HD DVD deck. I can afford it and I have a decent sized Hi-def LCD rear projection set that is ISF calibrated that begs for HD content. I love watching stuff in HD. I can't stand watching stuff in SD. My HD DVR is filled to the brim.

    HD DVD right now has 5gb more capacity. The VC-1 encoded discs look amazing. The special features are cool on a couple of the discs. The (mandatory) higher bit-rate sound formats sound better.

    If Blu-ray (software and hardware) can do it better, then I welcome it. Get those damn 50gb discs out. Start using better codecs now! Start putting innovative features using BD-J. Get some good movies out there. And get some GOOD decks out there. THEN I will believe it. Only then will I buy it. Until my opinion, there is nothing on the BD side of things worth buying.


    infected tattoos. Care For Infected Tattoo
  • Care For Infected Tattoo

  • Doctor Q
    Aug 23, 02:03 AM
    I just noticed that your avatar is 46,648 bytes, over the limit of 40,000 for the contest. :(


    infected tattoos. How To Heal An Infected Tattoo
  • How To Heal An Infected Tattoo

  • Dreadnought
    Jan 26, 01:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    Welcome back twoodcc!!
    Also, just saw that I'm the #16 folder of the team, always nice to know! :)
    Willbe going for the #10 spot in the next couple of days, so be warned :):)

    infected tattoos. infected tattoo symptoms
  • infected tattoo symptoms

  • skellener
    Mar 31, 01:51 PM
    I agree with most of what you're saying... but I think it's adobe's goal to push the most creative software on whatever they can. It's Apple's goal to provide the best experience for most people. Way more people are interested in using an iPad without a stylus - why sacrifice all those people for the minority of artists.

    You want to draw, grab a wacom and mac.But if you want to go draw at the zoo or something, the iPad would make sense. Right now, pencil and paper are more convenient than a wacom and a mac for being mobile. I'd still like to see the iPad get to the point where a stylus makes sense for drawing on the go with it.

    infected tattoos. Do With an Infected Tattoo
  • Do With an Infected Tattoo

  • ShavenYak
    Sep 27, 08:28 AM
    I had .mac two years ago but didn't renew it. I use for email and have a reseller web hosting account with gigabytes of space, and pay less than $99/year for both. Here's the things that would make me consider paying for .mac:

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 2, 11:29 AM
    Please don't post duplicate posts on MacRumors, thanks.

    The discussion on the potential new MBPs is over here. (

    May 7, 10:45 PM
    Check out my new mac site:

    Apr 4, 02:14 PM
    Email address is required to send me shipping notifications, and iTunes receipts. A Physical address and phone number is required to ship me their hardware I buy and verify which country's App Store I can shop in.

    FT needs my address for what, now? I'm not subscribing to the print edition.

    With that line of thinking...

    Apple needs my information for what, now? I bought my Apple hardware at Best Buy. I only use free apps.

    Feb 20, 03:06 AM
    These threads always seem to pop every once in awhile but I'm a fan of them so I'll play along :)

    AirStumbler ( wireless network discover tool. I prefer it to MacStumbler.
    Backlight ( allows screensavers to be used as desktops, works great with MarineAquarium ;)
    WClock ( menu bar clock with pop down calendar, now that Calendarclock/MenuCalendarClock has become shareware.
    iCal Birthday Shifter ( takes birthdays from Address Book and makes them into events in iCal.

    Sep 26, 07:05 PM
    That's nice, but I'm still waiting for more storage.

    To clarify, I have .Mac and love the features, I just think for $100/yr, Apple is being a little chintzy with storage (after all, Google offers 2 GB for free and AOL offers unlimited space for free).

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